The penultimate day! It takes a bit of sinking in! And at the eleventh hour it was off to the Medical Centre to check the pain in my calf muscle. Long sedentary plane flights and a looooooong train trip yesterday suggested the pain could be a DVT or some other possible nasty issue, potentially putting an abrupt end to our Camino before we even set foot out the door.
Without elaborating too much, suffice to say I was assigned a gorgeous French lady interpreter (Elizabeth) who stayed with me throughout the whole ordeal. Which I guess suggests that it wasn’t much of an ordeal at all really!!!
Staff were ultra responsive, an ultrasound was performed (yes that really is me under the green sheet in the photo!), and the outcome was positive. I can walk! Or can I? The pain persists but with the assistance of several amazing Spanish doctors and modern medicine, I will plod on!
Following the unique experience and some interesting discussion with Elizabeth, we then set out to explore the wonderful Portside city of Cadiz - “the oldest city still standing in Europe” according to Wikipedia and other sources. Narrow immaculate streets, outdoor eateries in abundance, and ancient buildings! It’s thanks to Kevin we came here in the first place, otherwise would have gone directly to Seville. Definitely worth the visit and has left us in awe!
We checked out the cathedral (starting point of the Camino), collected our first stamp in our pilgrim passports that Rafael had kindly provided for us, and found our first arrow. A big day tomorrow. Let’s hope my leg makes the distance. Buen Camino!
Hoping that leg held up today David and Jen. And hope you actually did leave Elizabeth behind?
Already Loving your journey.
Donna and Jen xxx
Does medicare cover treatments in Spain? It does in Italy!! ( found out the hard way)
glad your legs are up to walking David, and Cadiz looks absolutely beautiful. How gorgeous to be walking along this ocean. Look forward to more updates! Buena suerte!
We love your photos and updates. Trina and Peter
I’ve heard the Spanish medical system is very good, but I didn’t think you were intent on putting it to the test! Anyway…very glad you got the all clear!!
Great pics of Cadiz btw. Definitely whetting our appetites guys.
Buen Camino 👍
Burn Camino and hope your sore calf improves rapidly.